What is OPT - in english

OP … what?

Oral Placement Therapy is a speech therapy which utilizes a combination of: (1) auditory stimulation, (2) visual stimulation and (3) tactile stimulation to the mouth to improve speech clarity.

OPT is an important addition to traditional speech treatment methods for clients with placement and movement deficits.

It is a tactile-proprioceptive teaching technique which accompanies traditional therapy. Traditional therapy is primarily auditory and visual.

Clients with motor and/or sensory impairments benefit from tactile and proprioceptive components because speech is a tactile-proprioceptive act.

OPT is used to improve articulator awareness, placement (dissociation, grading, and direction of movement), stability, and muscle memory; all of these are necessary for the development of speech clarity.

Which clients are concerned?

OPT can be used with clients of many ages and ability levels. It can be incorporated into program plans for many types of speech disorders (e.g., dysarthria, apraxia of speech voice disorders, fluency disorders and post CVA clients, as well as clients with mild-to-profound levels of hearing loss).

Many of the clients who require these techniques have often received traditional auditory and visually based speech facilitation for a number of years, with minimal success. No one is at fault for the client’s difficulty in learning to produce target speech sounds.

Traditional speech facilitation has not been effective with these clients because there may be a movement or placement disorder. So, before introducing any of the OPT techniques, the client’s motor functioning for speech and feeding should be thoroughly assessed.

How does it work?

OPT teaches oral structural placement to clients who cannot produce or imitate speech sounds using traditional auditory or visual input. For these clients, it is critical to expand speech sound production from phonemes and other similar oral movements the client can already produce.

Once a client can produce a targeted speech sound using traditional auditory or visual input, speech therapy can progress in a more typical manner.

OPT is only a small part of a comprehensive speech and language program and should not be done in isolation. The activities are carefully selected to stimulate the same movements used in the targeted speech production. They can be completed in under 15 minutes and can be used to refocus attention and concentration from a sensory processing perspective

How to study OPT

TalkTools® Levels OPT™ Specialist Training Program

TalkTools® exclusive training program is the only officially recognized advanced training program for OPT (Oral Placement Therapy)™ available




  1. Levels™ Training application submission
  2. Completion of 3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT™ — our foundational OPT course self-study, virtual streaming or in-person workshop
  3. Completion of OPT: Assessment and Program Plan Development™ ––apply what you’ve learned to build your own OPT Program™ self-study, virtual streaming or in-person workshop
  4. 3 months applied OPT™ techniques in your practice


All TalkTools learners receive a CERTIFICATE OF COURSE COMPLETION after they complete a TalkTools® course — this certificate verifies they have completed a TalkTools course and can integrate the OPT™ techniques and principles they learned in their therapy practice. The certificate of course completion DOES NOT VERIFY CERTIFICATION IN OPT™ and does not qualify individuals to advertise or promote themselves as officially recognized, qualified TalkTools® Levels-trained OPT™ Specialists. Only individuals who have completed Level 3 and Level 4 are officially recognized TalkTools® Levels-trained OPT™ Specialists


Continue your Levels Training journey with expanded OPT™ coursework in feeding therapy, speech therapy and the sensory system.


  1. Levels™ Training application submission
  2. Completion of LEVEL 1 coursework
  3. Completed of at least 1 (ONE) course among the courses listed below (all courses listed are 12 hours instructional time) — available formats: live virtual streaming, onsite/in-person or self-study/on-demand formats:
  4. 12 hours minimum additional TalkTools® courses — the following qualifies:
    • One 12-hour course OR a combination of shorter courses to equal 12 hours total
  5. 3 months applied OPT techniques in your practice


All TalkTools learners receive a CERTIFICATE OF COURSE COMPLETION after they complete a TalkTools® course — this certificate verifies they have completed a TalkTools course and can integrate the OPT™ techniques and principles they learned in their therapy practice. The certificate of course completion DOES NOT VERIFY CERTIFICATION IN OPT™ and does not qualify individuals to advertise or promote themselves as officially recognized, qualified TalkTools® Levels-trained OPT™ Specialists. Only individuals who have completed Level 3 and Level 4 are officially recognized TalkTools® Levels-trained OPT™ Specialists

OPT™ Specialist

Once you’ve completed your Level 1 and Level 2 coursework and have applied OPT™ techniques for at least 6 months, you qualify to APPLY for Level 3 Training.
The Level 3 Training Program is a multi-day, interactive workshop, limited to a small cohort of Level 2 learners. The cohort will work closely with the Instructor, who provides case studies and guides the candidates on critical thinking, evaluation strategies and OPT™ treatment plans.


  1. Levels Training application submission
  2. Completion of Level 1 and Level 2 coursework
  3. 6 months of applied techniques in your practice (this includes 3 months applied techniques in Level 1 + 3 months applied techniques in Level 2)
  4. Pre-acceptance interview session with Levels™ Instructor

Upon completion of this Level, you will:

  •    Receive your OPT™ Specialist Certificate, which certifies that you are an officially recognized and qualified TalkTools® Level 3 OPT™ Specialist
  •    Be a member of the TalkTools® Levels OPT™ Therapist Global Network
  •    Receive your Level 3 OPT™ Specialist badge to designate status in communications, marketing and client outreach
  •    Receive special discounts on TalkTools® products and services
  •    Be qualified to receive 1-on-1 mentoring from the TalkTools® Teaching Team
  •    Be eligible to apply to the TalkTools® Instructor Training Program
  •    Be primary contributor to the TalkTools® community for blog posts and articles and for feedback on new tools and training and other beneficial topics

OPT™ Advanced Specialist

Once you graduate from Level 3 and are an offically recognized OPT™ Specialist and have applied OPT™ techniques for at least 1 year, you qualify to APPLY for Level 4 Training
The Level 4 Training Program is a multi-day workshop, limited to a small cohort of Level 3 OPT™ Specialists. The cohort will provide their own OPT™ case studies and, together with the Instructor, will engage in interactive, collaborative discussions on how build comprehensive assessment and treatment plans. The cohort will learn from each other, as well as the Instructor. A pre-workshop self-study and training module will also be part 


  1. Levels Training application submission
  2. Completion of Level 1 and Level 2 coursework
  3. Completion of Level 3 Training
  4. Officially Recognized OPT™ Specialist
  5. 2 years+ of applied techniques in your practice
  6. Pre-acceptance Q&A interview with Levels Instructor

Upon completion of this Level, you are a recognized and qualified TalkTools® Advanced OPT™ Specialist and will:

  •    Receive your Level 4 OPT™ Advanced Specialist Certificate, which certifies that you are an officially recognized and qualified TalkTools® Level 4 OPT™ Advanced Specialist
  •    Be a senior member of the TalkTools® OPT™ Specialist Global Network
  •    Receive your  Level 4 OPT™ Advanced Specialist badge to designate your status in communications, marketing and client outreach
  •    Receive additional discounts on TalkTools® products and services
  •    Be qualified to receive 1-on-1 mentoring from the TalkTools® Teaching Team
  •    Be eligible to provide guidance to Level 1 and Level 2 therapists
  •    Be eligible to apply to the TalkTools® Instructor Training Program
  •    Be a principal contributor to the TalkTools® community for blogs, articles and on feedback on new tools and training and other beneficial topics