TalkTools® Feeding Therapy: A Sensory Motor Approach - self study online OPT 2

TalkTools®  Feeding Therapy: A Sensory Motor Approach - self study online  OPT 2
  • Toimittaja: Talk Tools
Tuotenumero: 3611-NS
Veroton hinta: 132,26 €
Hinta (verollinen): 164,00 €
Saatavuus: Pyynnöstä

Syömishäiriöihin ja niiden ratkaisemiseen keskittyvä kurssi

HUOM! Tämä itseopiskelukurssi hyväksytään osaksi Talk Toolsin OPT tasokoulutusohjelmaa. Kysy kurssille suositeltuja välineitä (eivät kuulu hintaan) - kurssilla tarvittavat elintarvikkeet löytyvät vaihdellen All In Tradelta tai ne tulee hankkia itse - kts kurssitarvikepaketin sisältö tästä
Kts. suositeltu kurssikirja: A Sensory Motor Approach to Feeding


Course Description

This up to date self-study online course explores and explains the complex issues surrounding feeding disorders. Offers a comprehensive explanation of sensory processing and the impact on feeding. Pre-feeding exercises designed to develop the motor skills for safe, effective, nutritive feeding and therapeutic feeding techniques are targeted. The class includes two live evaluations and program plans.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • identify and define the developmental acquisition of feeding skills.
  • recognize individual oral-phase feeding deficiencies.
  • list at least four goals of an SLP-administered oral-motor feeding program.
  • explain the benefits of improved oral movement in cases of oral-phase feeding deficiencies.

The "Feeding Therapy..." course is an interactive, hands-on workshop. When taking this course as a self-study it is encouraged that you follow along with all of the activities.

The list of optional supplies indicates what is included and the recommended food items you will want to have on hand while watching and following along with the video course.

How e-learning works


Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach -- together with 3-Part Treatment Plan for OPT -- comprise LEVEL 1 NOVICE training - click through to learn more about TalkTools exclusive LEVEL Training.

Learning Options
  • Online ONLY for 1 learner -- ACCESS TO ONLINE COURSE (downloadable handout)
  • PRACTICUM  / KURSSITARVIKKEET eivät kuulu  hintaan - ne tulee hankkia itse - pyydä selkeämpi lista All In Tradelta ja katsotaan yhdessä,  mitä varastosta löytyy - kurssin suoritusaikaa  on 1 vuosi - jos osa tarvikkeista täytyy tilata ennakkotilauksena USA:sta, voit suorittaa kurssin, kun tarvikkeet ovat saapuneet. Voit tilata kurssikirjan tästä linkistä - ei pakollinen
    • 2 latex-free gloves, 1 Straw C, 1 plastic spoon, 1 Toothette, 1 Nipple and 
    • Suggested food supplies to enhance your learning (not included): 1 each: BubbleYum Gum, Sour Ball, Atomic Fireball;  2 chocolate kisses; Salty/Crunchy Popcorn; Pretzel Sticks or Veggie Stix; Cheerios; Fruitloops; Apple Sauce; Cranberry Juice.

Lori Overland, MS, CCC-SLP bio

Timed Agenda

Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.