Z-Vibe kärki lusikka iso kuvioitu / Textured Spoon Tip
Tuotenumero: | VSPTexturedLarge |
Veroton hinta: | 7,89 € |
Hinta (verollinen): | 9,90 € |
Saatavuus: | Varastossa |
Tuotetta varastossa: | 1 |
ARK'n Z-Vibe lusikkakärjet uudistuivat - ne tekevät Z-Vibe® vibrasta täydellisen sensorisen ruokintatyökalun lapsen tai aikuisen erityistarpeisiin. Ruokintaan erikoistunut puheterapeutti Debbie Lowskyn, MS CCC-SLP USA on suunnitellut lusikan muodon ja kulhon syvyyden sopivaksi niin pienelle ( keltainen) kuin isommallekin suulle (oranssi). Kuviointi lisää sensorista tuntumaa
Z-Vibe vibran tuottama värinä voi auttaa "herättämään" suun, lisäämään sen tietoisuutta ja stimuloimaan huulia, kieltä, poskia ja leukaa - monet letkuruokinnan varassa olleet lapset ovat onnistuneet siirtymään ensimmäisiin kiinteisiin ruokiin näiden lusikoiden avulla.
The Spoon Tip was specially designed by feeding therapist Debbie Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP to support easy feeding and food removal. The size and shape of the spoon bowl are "just right" - big enough to hold an appropriate amount of food, but small enough to prevent the spoon from being overloaded with too much food.
When used with the Z-Vibe handle, the Spoon Tips can help "wake up" the mouth, increase awareness, and provide stimulation to the lips, tongue, cheeks, and jaw. A wonderful tool for any sensory mealtime treatment plan, these Spoon Tips have helped many therapists and parents get tube-fed children on their first solid foods.
Made in the USA, medical grade, FDA compliant
- No lead, phthalates, PVC, BPA, or latex
- Each small tip measures about 3 x .75". The spoon bowl specifically measures about 1.4 x .75" (LxW). This size is best for infants and toddlers. The small size works best with puréed foods like yogurt, applesauce, stage 1 baby foods, etc.
- Each large tip measures about 3.4 x 1". The spoon bowl specifically measures about 1.75 x 1" (LxW). This size is best for older children and up through adults. Adults may find this spoon a little smaller than regular spoons.
- Dishwasher-safe
- To be used with either the Z-Vibe or Z-Grabber handle (sold separately)
Caution: this therapeutic tool should be used under adult supervision at all times.