Oppi-, ammatti- ja ohjekirjat, CD:t / Education
UUTTA!!! Kirja: MYOSolutions Book

Author: Robyn Merkel-Walsh, MA, CCC-SLP, COM MYOSolutions is an innovative Orofacial...
Hinta: 63,00 €
Kirja -OPT for Speech Clarity & Feeding book

Oral Placement Therapyn (OPT) perusoppikirja - kts. myös 2502 Harjoituskirja/ Homework...
Hinta: 83,00 €
Harjoituskirja Homework Book

By: Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP If a muscle is not worked regularly then the...
Hinta: 74,00 €
Kirja - A Sensory Motor Approach to Feeding

By: Lori Overland, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT, CLC & Robyn Merkel-Walsh, MA,...
Hinta: 85,00 €
OPT 1-2 kurssikirja - Leuan harjoittaminen / Jaw Book-Assessment & Treatment of the Jaw (Soft Cover)

Kirjaa ei tarvita kurssin aikana, mutta siinä on tärkeä kurssiin liittyvä sisältö helposti...
Hinta: 63,00 €
Kirja: Becoming Verbal with Childhood Apraxia

By: Pam Marshalla This books helps therapists and parents learn how to help their child to become...
Hinta: 37,00 €
Kirja: Swalloworks Therapy Program

Do you work with swallowing problems? Or want to? Okay then, what do you think about this...
Hinta: 79,00 €
Kirja: Kuinka lopettaa peukalon imeminen ym./How to Stop Thumbsucking and Other Oral Habits: Practical Solutions for Home and Therapy

Kirjassa kerrotaan vinkkejä kuinka lapsen (alk. 2v.) saa lopettamaan peukalon imemisen ym....
Hinta: 31,00 €
Kirja: Kuinka Lopettaa Kuolaaminen /How to Stop Drooling: Practical Solutions for Home and Therapy

Kirja antaa lapsen (alk. 2v.) kuolaamisen vähentämiseen / lopettamiseen tähtääviä vinkkejä niin...
Hinta: 31,00 €
Kirja-Oral Placement Therapy for /s/ and /z/ Book

Designed to teach standard speech sound production using a combination of traditional articulation...
Hinta: 84,36 €
Kirja - A Therapist Guide to Rehab.Feeding and Speech Techn.for Teens and Adults Book

After many years of clinical research including evidenced based practice and development, Sara...
Hinta: 89,60 €
Kirja- I believe in You: A Mother and Daughter's sp.Journey

As the veil of denial is slowly lifted, author Michele Gianetti faces up to the fact that something...
Hinta: 27,00 €
Kirja- Book-Nobody Ever Told Me (or my mother) That!

This fascinating new book fills a missing void in the child-rearing world. It explains everything...
Hinta: 42,60 €
Drooling Remendiation MANUAL - sähköinen kirjaversio

By: Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP Do you want to address drooling with a systematic...
Hinta: 27,00 €
Sensory Stix Program Manual

Sensory Stix Program Manual is designed to transition your client from non-speech exercise to...
Hinta: 29,00 €
Super Baby Food Book

Completely revised and updated edition, Super Baby Food is the most comprehensive resource...
Hinta: 35,00 €
Functional Assessment and Remediation of TOTs (book)
Robyn Merkel-Walshin / Lori Overland Description Authors, Robyn Merkel-Walsh and Lori...
Hinta: 88,00 €
Tips & Techniques for Biting & Chewing (Book in English) ENNAKKOTILATTAVA

Written by Debra Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP, the speech-language pathologist who invented the...
Hinta: 27,50 €
Kirja: Tips & Techniques for the Z-Vibe®

Description Written by Debra C. Lowsky, MS, CCC-SLP, the speech-language pathologist...
Hinta: 26,00 €
Kirja: Apraxia Uncovered: Seven Stages of Phoneme Development
By: Pam Marshalla Pam Marshalla's second material on childhood apraxia presents a deep perspective...
Hinta: 37,00 €