WEBINAR | 10 Strategies to Eliminate Open-Mouth Posture od. pvm

WEBINAR | 10 Strategies to Eliminate Open-Mouth Posture  od. pvm
  • Toimittaja: Talk Tools
Tuotenumero: 00056WEB
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Online Webinaari  ZOOM  -  Luennoitsija: Monica Purdy, MA, CCC-SLP, COM®  od. pvm

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Course Description

TalkTools® virtual streaming workshops and webinars are recorded. Recorded presentations are available for 2 days after the dates posted and accessible only to learners who purchased a seat for this course. 

We have all seen it – and once you see it, you can’t “un-see” it! It’s mouth breathing or open mouth posture and either, as speech professionals, are we more aware as we are learning more about this – or are there more people with open mouth posture?

TalkTools Instructor, Monica Purdy, will be looking at what is – and what is not – proper oral resting posture. She will present the latest evidence and research on the impacts of open mouth posture and provide key strategies to move your “mouth breather” clients to “nose breather” – as well as demonstrating proper breathing techniques and exercises – that you can practice yourself!

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to: 

Identify proper oral resting posture.

Apply 3 strategies to mitigate open mouth posture.

Demonstrate 2 techniques to facilitate proper breathing.