WEBINAR | Voicing And Speech Clarity: Working Through Voicing Errors

WEBINAR | Voicing And Speech Clarity: Working Through Voicing Errors
  • Toimittaja: Talk Tools
Tuotenumero: 00049WEB
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Webinars are recorded and available to view through your learner profile for 2 days after the live date

Course Description

From a motor perspective did you know?

VOICED speech sounds utilize the vocal chords and air and the voice are directed through the oral cavity while the velum is CLOSED - ex.,/b/, /g/, /d/ and /z/.  

VOICELESS speech sounds are sounds in which the vocal chords are not vibrating and air and voice are directed through the oral cavity while the velum is CLOSED  – ex., /p/ /k/, /t/ and /s/. 

NASAL speech sounds are sounds in which air and voice is directed through the nose while the velum is OPEN- , ex., /m/ and /n/.

Nasality is described as:

HYPONASALITY - a lack of appropriate nasal airflow during speech (think of when you have a cold) 

HYPERNASALITY - inappropriate increased airflow through the nose during speech. 

FLUCTUATING NASALITY - inconsistent errors of nasality in speech.

Voicing errors can arise in a variety of speech disorders and can be difficult to correct! These errors may be a result of a number of factors to include: isolated sound errors, muscle weakness, dyspraxia, improper structure or due to lack of understanding. 

TalkTools Instructor, Renee Roy Hill, will be providing practical strategies for assessment and developing an appropriate treatment based on the underlying reasons for these errors and referencing clients who exhibit symptoms for these conditions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify 4 possible causes for hyponasality and hypernasality.
  2. Apply 3 treatment approaches for hyponasality and hypernasality.
  3. Outline a referral plan.
  4. Collaborate with other professionals to develop an interdisciplinary treatment plan.

Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus on treatment methods related to the use of TalkTools® resources. Other similar treatment approaches will receive limited or no coverage during this lecture.

(pending AOTA approval)